Dock Resource Kit

Sunday sermon, 23 March 2025

This week Phil spoke to us about God’s mercy at the heart of Romans 11—a chapter full of rich, layered themes about Israel, the Church, and God’s unchanging faithfulness. We explored how mercy isn’t just a theological concept but a powerful, disruptive force that rewrites our stories and offers hope where we least deserve it. Mercy means we don’t get what we do deserve—and that transforms how we see ourselves and others. We were reminded through the image of the olive tree that God’s family is one diverse people, held together by mercy and rooted in kindness. The invitation is to live not with pride or entitlement, but with humility, gratitude, and a willingness to extend mercy to others. And ultimately, after all the wrestling and questions, Romans 11 ends not in debate but in worship—pointing us to a God whose mercy is greater than we imagine and who deserves our full trust, our whole hearts, and all the glory.

Dock Discussion Questions

  1. Mercy and grace are often spoken about together, but they’re not the same—do you find one harder to receive than the other? Why do you think that is?

  2. Read Romans 11:17–24. What stands out to you in Paul’s olive tree metaphor? How does it shape the way you view inclusion, faith, or humility?

  3. The chapter ends with a powerful moment of worship. Have you ever found yourself worshipping God even when things didn’t make sense? What did that look like for you?

  4. Where might God be inviting you to show mercy or kindness this week—to yourself, or to someone else?

Long-form, editted transcript

Romans Series – Pt. 7:
Mercy: The Centre Of The Story

Hey church! Today we’re looking at Romans chapter 11—a rich, layered, and at times complex chapter. There’s a lot to wrestle with here.

But before we get into all of that, let me ask you a question…

Who’s into soap operas?

When I was a kid, I used to love watching Neighbours—much better than Home and Away, in my opinion! I never really got into EastEnders—I wasn’t allowed to watch it. Too gritty, too much drama! But the thing all these shows have in common? Family feuds. The same story, over and over: someone betrays someone else, grudges are held, things get worse, and then—just when you think it’s over—there’s a twist. Reconciliation. Forgiveness. An unexpected turn. You know, like Harold Bishop washing up on the beach five years after everyone thought he was dead!

There’s something about a family feud that grips us—maybe because we know what it’s like. Maybe not in the EastEnders sense, but we’ve all experienced relational tension. Someone we love hurts us. Someone drifts away. And we wonder if things will ever be the same again.

Believe it or not, Romans 8–11 is a bit like that—a huge family story with tension, heartbreak, and a surprising twist. It’s not quite a soap opera, but it is a real-life drama with eternal consequences. And at the heart of it all is a question:

Has God abandoned His first family, Israel?

Romans 8: The Joy of Adoption

Over the last two weeks, we’ve explored Romans 8—this amazing high point of Scripture. Paul paints a powerful picture of what it means to be part of God’s family.

He speaks of Life in the Spirit (vv. 1–17): There’s no condemnation for those in Christ. The Spirit sets us free and assures us that we are God’s children.

Then Suffering and Glory (vv. 18–30): As Michael highlighted last week—life is hard. Creation groans, we groan, and even the Spirit groans as we wait for redemption. But God is at work for good in all things.

And finally, God’s Unshakable Love (vv. 31–39): Paul lands with this truth—nothing, absolutely nothing, can separate us from the love of Christ. It’s unstoppable, unshakable, and never-ending.

Romans 8 ends on this massive high. God has saved us. We are His children. And nothing can take that away.

Romans 9–10: The Family Feud

But then, a question lingers.

If God’s love is unshakable—what about Israel? What about God’s first family? The people He made promises to? The ones He rescued from Egypt, led through the wilderness, and called His own?

At the time Paul writes, the painful truth is that most of Israel has rejected Jesus. Paul feels this deeply. In chapter 9, he says he’d give up his own salvation if it meant his fellow Israelites would come to know Christ.

But they haven’t. So what now?

Has God moved on? Has He broken His promise?

Paul wrestles with this in chapters 9 and 10:

  • God is sovereign (chapter 9)—His purposes are beyond us, and He is free to choose.

  • Israel is responsible (chapter 10)—The message has been preached, but they’ve refused it. Yet, salvation is still open to all.

Setting Up Romans 11

And that’s the tension that leads us into Romans 11.

If God’s love is truly unshakable…

If salvation is really by grace…

What does that mean for those who reject it?

Has God given up on them?

Or is His mercy still at work?

Because at the heart of this chapter isn’t just a question about Israel—it’s a truth that changes everything:

God’s mercy is bigger than we imagine.

It’s greater than we expect, available to all, and it calls us to trust and humility.

What Is Mercy, Really?

We talk about mercy all the time in church—we sing it, pray it, thank God for it. But it’s worth pausing to ask: What does mercy actually mean?

Mercy isn’t just about God being nice. It’s life-changing. Disruptive. Radical.

It interrupts what should happen and replaces it with what shouldn’t. It’s what makes the Christian message so scandalous—because it offers us the opposite of what we deserve.

Grace and Mercy: Two Sides of One Gift

Grace and mercy often get used together, but they’re not the same:

  • Grace is getting what we don’t deserve—an unexpected gift.

  • Mercy is not getting what we do deserve—being spared from judgment.

Grace is like someone handing you £100 for no reason—pure generosity.

Mercy? That’s like being caught speeding but let off with a warning. Anyone ever had that?

Both are beautiful. Both are undeserved. But mercy hits differently—it means staring down judgment and watching it pass over you.

The Judge and the Criminal

Nicky Gumbel tells a brilliant story in Alpha:

Two childhood friends grow up. One becomes a respected judge, the other turns to crime. Years later, the criminal ends up in court—before his old friend.

The judge is bound by justice. His friend is guilty. He hands down the full penalty.

But then—he steps down from the bench, removes his robe, and pays the fine himself.

Justice is served. Mercy is extended.

That’s exactly what God has done. We stood guilty. Condemned. No defence. But Jesus took our place. Mercy isn’t God ignoring sin—it’s Him dealing with it Himself.

Mercy Isn’t Fair—And That’s the Good News

Let’s be honest: mercy isn’t fair. And that’s why it’s so powerful.

  • The Prodigal Son wastes everything, shames his family—and is welcomed home with a feast.

  • The Thief on the Cross, moments from death, cries out—and Jesus says, “Today, you’ll be with me in paradise.”

  • Think about your own life. How many times have you wandered? Fallen short? And yet—God’s mercy meets you, again and again.

If mercy were fair, we’d all be in trouble. But it’s not about what we deserve—it’s about what God gives: grace and forgiveness, over and over.

Mercy Demands a Response

This isn’t just theology—it’s your life and mine.

So how do we respond?

  1. Let Go of Guilt
    No matter how far you’ve wandered, God’s mercy is still greater.
    Maybe you’re carrying shame or regret. Mercy says: Come home.

  2. Extend Mercy to Others
    If we’ve received it, we can’t withhold it.
    Is there someone you need to forgive? Someone you’ve kept at arm’s length?

  3. Live with Humility
    We’re here by mercy—not merit.
    Maybe God is inviting you today to let go of pride, stop striving, and receive.

Where Do You Need Mercy Today?

Take a moment—where do you need to trust in God’s mercy?

Because Paul wants us to see: mercy isn’t soft. It’s powerful. It changes everything.

And this brings us into Romans 11—because now the question is: Has God’s mercy run out for Israel?

Not a chance.

Tread Gently: This Is a Weighty Topic

Some parts of the Bible feel straightforward. Others—like this—come with layers of history, theology, and emotion.

For some, Israel is deeply personal—because of family, friendships, or theological convictions. For others, it feels distant or unrelated to daily faith.

And of course, there’s the present-day context. The Israel-Palestine conflict is deeply painful, and it shapes how these scriptures are heard.

So before we go further, let’s acknowledge this: it’s complex. It has divided opinions for centuries. And we must approach it with humility.

Paul’s Point: God Has Not Rejected Israel

Paul begins Romans 11 by making something clear: God has not rejected His people.

  • Paul himself is Jewish—he’s living proof that God is still at work among His people.

  • He reminds us that throughout history, there has always been a faithful remnant within Israel (v. 1–10).

  • Even though many rejected Jesus, Paul insists the story isn’t over.

Why? Because God is faithful. And His mercy never runs out.

Then in verses 11–24, Paul explains something surprising: Israel’s rejection has opened the door for Gentiles. But that doesn’t mean God is done with Israel.

He says:

If their rejection brought salvation to the world, how much greater will their inclusion be?” (v. 12)

Paul holds out hope that many in Israel will still turn to Jesus.

One Tree, One People

Paul then paints a picture: the olive tree (vv. 17–24)—a rich metaphor of God’s mercy and kindness.

  • The root is God’s promises—His covenant with Abraham.

  • The natural branches are Israel—some have been broken off due to unbelief.

  • The wild branches—that’s us, Gentiles—have been grafted in.

  • But crucially: God can graft the natural branches back in again.

He makes it plain:

“…God is able to graft them in again. How much more readily will these… be grafted into their own olive tree!” (v. 23–24)

This is not speculation—Paul is affirming God’s power to restore.

And here’s what that means:

  • No one is beyond mercy.

  • No rejection is final.

  • God is always ready to restore.

This isn’t a story of winners and losers—it’s one tree, one family, held together by God’s mercy.

Stay Humble, Stay Kind

Paul now shifts the focus—not from Israel, but to us.

He warns Gentile believers:

Do not consider yourself superior… You do not support the root, but the root supports you.” (v. 18)

In other words—don’t get smug.

  • You’re not here because you’re better.

  • You didn’t earn your place.

  • You are here by mercy.

Then Paul drops this line:

Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God… continue in His kindness.” (v. 22)

I love that. Right in the middle of deep theology, Paul says—don’t forget kindness.

The Greek word for “continue” literally means stay in a place. Paul is saying: make your home in God’s kindness.

Live there. Walk in it. Be shaped by it.

Because kindness isn’t weakness—it’s strength. It’s the fruit of mercy. And it should define us.

What Kindness Looks Like

This is why we keep returning to God’s character. The more we spend time with Him, the more we’ll become like Him.

  • If we’ve received kindness, we should reflect it.

  • If we know mercy, we should be the least judgmental people in the world.

  • If we’ve been forgiven much, we should be quick to forgive.

God’s mercy should make us humble—not entitled.

A Word for Today

This matters for us—not just in theory, but right now.

Because it’s easy to become arrogant or dismissive—especially on topics like this.

So let’s step back. Let’s stay soft-hearted. Let’s listen well.

Let’s stay humble and walk in kindness.

Because we are not the centre of the story—God’s mercy is.

After All the Wrestling… Worship

After all the deep theology, the questions, the tension—how does Paul finish?

Not with more debate.

Not with a neat answer to tie everything up.

Paul steps back, looks at it all—God’s faithfulness, His mercy, His unstoppable plan—and he worships.

He doesn’t say, “I’ve figured it all out.”

He says, “God, You are beyond comprehension.”

Paul’s Final Response: Not Debate, But Awe

Romans 11 ends not with argument, but awe:

Oh, the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God!
How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!

Who has known the mind of the Lord?
Or who has been his counsellor?

Who has ever given to God,
that God should repay them?
” (v. 33–35)

And then Paul lands with this breathtaking declaration:

For from him and through him and for him are all things.
To him be the glory forever! Amen.
(v. 36)

This is Paul’s conclusion:

  • God’s wisdom is beyond us.

  • God’s mercy is deeper than we imagine.

  • And everything—absolutely everything—is from Him, through Him, and for Him.

Paul chooses not to rest in his understanding, but in God’s greatness.

Bringing It Home: What Do We Do With Mercy?

So what does this mean for us?

If Romans 11 is all about mercy, here’s the question: How do we respond?

1. Trust in God’s Wisdom

“How unsearchable his judgments, and his paths beyond tracing out!” (v. 33)

Maybe right now, you’re in a season where God’s ways don’t make sense.

Maybe you’re carrying unanswered prayers or heavy doubts.

Paul doesn’t ignore the questions—he shows us where to take them:

To worship. To trust. To surrender.

2. Live Humbly

Who has ever given to God, that God should repay them?” (v. 35)

No one stands before God on merit.

Whether Jew or Gentile, lifelong Christian or brand-new believer—we are all here by grace.

So what kind of people should we be?

Humble. Grateful. Dependent.

3. Respond With Worship

For from him and through him and for him are all things…” (v. 36)

Paul isn’t just writing theology. He’s showing us how to live.

Everything we have—our lives, our gifts, our time, our breath—it’s all from God.

The only fitting response? Worship. Surrender. Glory to Him.

A Story to Land It: Mercy That Moves Us

So—has mercy changed you?

Because it’s not just something to receive. It’s something that reshapes us.

That’s exactly what Jesus shows us in one of His most famous stories—the Prodigal Son:

  • A son rebels, runs away, wastes everything.

  • He comes home expecting judgment.

  • But before he can even finish his apology, his father runs to him.

  • He wraps him in a robe, puts a ring on his finger, and throws a feast.

That is mercy.

But here’s the thing—mercy doesn’t just rescue him; it restores him.

The father doesn’t just forgive him—he celebrates him as a son.

That’s what God’s mercy does.

Final Invitation: Where Do You Need Mercy Today?

Maybe you feel like the prodigal. Maybe you’ve wandered. Maybe you think you’ve messed up too much.

But mercy says: You can come home.

Maybe you need to extend mercy to someone else.

If you’ve received mercy, reflect it. If you’ve been forgiven, forgive.

Maybe you just need to worship.

Lift your eyes from the questions and rest in God’s wisdom and kindness.

Whatever it is, hold on to this truth:

We are not the centre of the story—God’s mercy is.

God’s mercy is bigger than we imagine.