Dock Resource Kit

Sunday sermon, 9 March 2025

This week, Phil spoke to us about the life-changing truth of Romans 8:1–17—that in Christ, there is no condemnation, no striving, and no insecurity—only grace, power, and belonging. We explored the incredible freedom of the gospel, the transforming power of the Holy Spirit, and the deep security of our adoption as God’s children. Through powerful illustrations—a broken escalator, the slow drift of the ocean, a soaring kite, and the personal story of adoption—we were reminded that life in the Spirit is not about working harder but walking in step with God’s power. And because we have been adopted into God’s family, we are no longer slaves but sons and daughters—heirs of His kingdom, co-heirs with Christ. This is our identity, our confidence, our inheritance—and nothing can take it away.

Dock Discussion Questions

  1. Read Romans 8:1–4. What does it mean for you personally that there is no condemnation in Christ? Do you ever struggle to believe this truth?

  2. Paul contrasts a mind set on the flesh with a mind set on the Spirit (Romans 8:5–11). In what areas of your life do you feel the pull of the flesh, and how can you more intentionally walk in step with the Spirit?

  3. Phil shared the story of his daughter calling him ‘Daddy’ for the first time. How does understanding our adoption by God shape the way you relate to Him? Do you approach God with the confidence of a child, or do you sometimes live with a ‘slave mindset’?

  4. If we are heirs of God, we share in both Christ’s suffering and His glory (Romans 8:17). What does it mean for us to be co-heirs with Christ? How does this give us hope in the struggles we face today?

Long-form, editted transcript

Romans Series – Pt. 5:
No Condemnation, New Creation.

Some passages in Scripture change everything when you hear them. They lift you out of confusion, remind you who you are, and anchor you in a truth so deep, so unshakable, that you realise it has the power to reshape your entire life.

Romans 8 is one of those passages.

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.(Romans 8:1)

No condemnation. Not “a little less condemnation.” Not “condemnation reduced based on performance.” No condemnation.

And yet, it begins with the word “Therefore”, meaning everything that follows is built on what came before.

I’m not going to recap everything, but over the past few weeks, we’ve been walking through Romans, tackling some huge theological themes—justification, sanctification, sin, redemption, and the transforming work of Jesus Christ.

We’ve explored the mechanics of salvation—what faith in Jesus actually does in us, how it rescues us, how it changes us. And last week, we ended in Romans 6, with the declaration that we are alive in Christ.

Now, before we dive into Romans 8, it’s worth saying that we’re jumping through some of Romans. If we went verse by verse, we’d be here all year—there is so much in here that speaks into conversations about ethics, family, marriage, sexuality, politics, the nation of Israel—these are all things we may revisit, and if you want to explore them more, please come and chat with me or Brig.

But for this series, we’re focusing on three key questions that Romans answers:

  • What does it mean to be saved by grace?

  • How do we live by the power of the Holy Spirit?

  • What does it mean to be the church—the body of Christ—together?

So far, we’ve looked at salvation. Now, we follow Paul as he unpacks what life in the Spirit actually looks like.

And we begin with this game-changing statement:

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.(Romans 8:1)

But before we unpack what that means, we need to go back to the end of Romans 7, where Paul paints an incredibly raw, honest picture of the human struggle with sin.

The Battle in Romans 7: Who Will Rescue Me?

Paul describes the tension of wanting to do good but feeling trapped by sin:

For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.” (Romans 7:19)

You can almost hear his frustration, his despair—he’s wrestling with the reality that, even though he knows what is right, he still finds himself pulled toward sin.

And then he cries out:

What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!(Romans 7:24-25)

Now, that phrase—“body of death”—is striking.

Some historians believe Paul may have had in mind a specific Roman execution method, where a condemned person was literally tied to a decaying corpse—forced to carry the rotting body until its infection eventually killed them.

If that’s what Paul was referencing, then his words take on a hauntingly vivid meaning:

  • Sin is like a dead body strapped to us.

  • It clings to us, infecting, rotting, corrupting.

  • And we are powerless to remove it.

That’s the despair of Romans 7.

But then, suddenly—a turn.

Who will rescue me?

Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

This is the shift from Romans 7 to Romans 8.

Paul moves from struggle to victory, from despair to hope, from bondage to freedom.

And that’s where we pick up today.

1. No Condemnation:
The Freedom of the Gospel

Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death.(Romans 8:1-2)

Paul wants us to fully grasp this truth—we are free.

We are not partially forgiven.

We are not on probation with God.

We are not waiting to be fully accepted based on performance.

There is no condemnation.

But we need to sit with that for a moment, because for many of us, we struggle to actually believe this.

We carry shame from the past.

We feel like we’re constantly falling short.

We know we’re forgiven, but deep down, we sometimes wonder if God is still disappointed in us.

But Paul is not vague here. There is no condemnation.


For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering.(Romans 8:3)

Paul is saying: The law could show us our sin, but it could never free us from it.

Trying to earn your way to righteousness through effort, rule-keeping, and self-discipline is like trying to climb out of quicksand—the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

But God did what the law could not do—by sending His own Son to take our place.

Illustration: The Broken Escalator

Have you ever stepped onto an escalator that isn’t moving?

You expect it to carry you forward, but instead, you have to force yourself up the steps—it feels unnatural, exhausting, frustrating.

That’s what life under the law of sin and death is like—an endless cycle of trying to move forward, but feeling stuck, slipping, falling, exhausted.

But now—a new escalator is in place.

The Spirit moves you forward—not by your effort, but by His power.

Where once we were trapped in guilt, now we are free in grace.

That’s why Paul says in verse 6:

The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.(Romans 8:6)

Two ways of living:

  • A mind set on the flesh → leads to death.

  • A mind set on the Spirit → leads to life and peace.

So Paul is asking: Which way are you living?

2. No Striving:
The Power of the Spirit

Paul continues:

Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.(Romans 8:5)

He is describing two completely different ways to live:

  • A mind set on the flesh → leads to death.

  • A mind set on the Spirit → leads to life and peace.

This is not just about behaviour—it’s about what shapes us, what defines us, what drives our thinking and our actions.

Paul wants us to understand that what we set our minds on determines the direction of our lives.

If our minds are set on the flesh, we live as though:

  • God is not in charge.

  • We are at the centre of everything.

  • Sin isn’t really a big deal.

But if our minds are set on the Spirit, we live with:

  • God at the centre.

  • A pursuit of holiness, not just comfort.

  • A desire to be led by Him in every part of life.

Illustration: The Slow Drift

Last summer, we went to the seaside—to Broadstairs. We bought my eldest daughter a rubber ring, and off we went into the water.

The sun was shining, the waves were gentle, and—being honest—I might have even closed my eyes for a moment, just enjoying the moment.

Then suddenly—my wife is waving frantically from the shore, shouting at me.

I look up—and realise that my daughter is drifting out beyond the pier… heading for France!

She didn’t mean to float off. And I was right there with her. But I wasn’t paying attention—I wasn’t actively keeping her close.

And before we knew it, she was caught in the current.

(Thankfully, a kind man in a canoe came to the rescue!)

But that’s exactly how the flesh works.

It’s not always a dramatic rebellion—sometimes, it’s a slow, subtle drift:

  • A little bitterness turns into resentment.

  • A little compromise becomes a habit.

  • A little pride leads to distance from God.

  • And before we know it, we’re further from God than we ever meant to be.

That’s why Paul warns us not to drift, but to actively set our minds on the Spirit—to choose every day to be led by Him.

Life by the Spirit: A New Way to Live

Paul isn’t just telling us what to avoid—he’s pointing us to a new, Spirit-filled life.

…but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires… The mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.(Romans 8:5b-6)

To live according to the Spirit means:

  • Being led by God, not just our desires.

  • Pursuing holiness, not just what feels good.

  • Letting the Spirit shape our choices, thoughts, and priorities.

  • This isn’t about trying harder—it’s about yielding to the Spirit’s work in us.

Some people think following God means losing freedom—but actually, it’s being led by the Spirit that makes us free.

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.(2 Corinthians 3:17)

Illustration: The Kite and the Wind

Imagine a kite soaring high in the sky. It looks completely free, rising above everything.

But what happens if you cut the string?

Would the kite become more free?

No—it crashes.

The very thing that appears to be restricting it is actually what gives it the power to soar.

That’s exactly what it means to be led by the Spirit.

The problem is, many of us want the benefits of the Spirit without the surrender that comes with it:

  • We want peace, but we don’t want to let go of control.

  • We want power, but we don’t want to walk in obedience.

  • We want closeness with God, but we don’t want to change our habits.

But Paul is clear: life in the Spirit isn’t just about receiving blessings—it’s about giving God control.

It’s about choosing to trust Him, to surrender to Him, to walk in step with Him.

And the promise is that as we tether ourselves to the Spirit, we will find:

  • True peace—even in chaos.

  • Joy—that doesn’t depend on circumstances.

  • Power—to resist temptation and live differently.

The Spirit of God Lives in You

Then Paul makes this deeply personal:

You, however, are not in the realm of the flesh but are in the realm of the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God lives in you. If Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.(Romans 8:9-10)

This is an incredible truth: If you are a follower of Jesus, the Spirit of God lives in you.

Just pause and let that sink in.

  • The same Spirit that hovered over the waters at creation.

  • The same Spirit that empowered Jesus throughout His ministry.

  • The same power that raised Jesus from the dead—that defeated sin, darkness, and death—now lives in you.

And if that’s true, then:

  • We are not powerless against sin.

  • We do not have to live in fear.

  • We have resurrection life in us!

So what would it look like to walk in resurrection power this week?

  • What if you prayed for a colleague at work and saw them healed?

  • What if you reached out in love and saw a fractured relationship restored?

  • What if the addiction, the habit, the struggle that’s held you back for years—finally lost its grip?

  • What if you finally forgave that person, and the weight lifted?

  • What if you stopped doubting, stopped holding back—and truly stepped into who God has called you to be?

Because that’s not just a possibility.

That’s the promise of the gospel.

3. No Insecurity:
The Belonging of Adoption

For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.(Romans 8:14–17)

Paul moves from legal language to family language.

We are not just forgiven criminals.

We are not just freed slaves.

We are adopted children.

This passage moves us from:

  • Slavery → Sonship

  • Fear → Freedom

  • Condemnation → Covenant Inheritance

And it all centres around one powerful truth:

We have been adopted by God.

The Spirit of Slavery vs. The Spirit of Adoption

Paul contrasts two ways of relating to God:

  1. The Spirit of Slavery—a relationship based on fear, performance, and insecurity.

  2. The Spirit of Adoption—a relationship based on love, intimacy, and belonging.

The Spirit of Slavery says:

  • “I have to earn God’s love.”

  • “If I mess up, God will reject me.”

  • “I’m only valuable if I perform well.”

The Spirit of Adoption says:

  • “I already belong to God.”

  • “My identity is secure, even when I fail.”

  • “I am loved, not because of what I do, but because of who I am.”

Paul is saying: You are no longer a slave—you are a child.

This is your new identity.

Adoption in the Ancient Roman World

To fully understand what Paul is saying, we need to look at adoption in the Roman world.

In Roman society, adoption was not primarily about bringing in orphans—it was about creating legal heirs. Wealthy, powerful families chose heirs through adoption to ensure their legacy, power, and name continued.

When a person was adopted:

  • Their old debts were erased.

  • They received a new identity.

  • They gained the full legal rights of a child.

This is the language Paul is using.

  • When God adopts us, our old debts are wiped away.

  • We receive a new family name, a new identity as His beloved children.

  • We are given an inheritance—the full riches of Christ’s kingdom.

This is not just a metaphor—this is spiritual reality.

The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children.(Romans 8:16)

Timothy Keller puts it this way:

“The Spirit does not just tell us about our adoption. He takes us by the hand and leads us into the Father’s presence, assuring us that we truly belong there.”

Crying ‘Abba, Father’ – The Deepest Intimacy

Paul continues:

“By him we cry, ‘Abba, Father.’” (Romans 8:15b)

The word “Abba” is Aramaic—it’s not a formal term like “Father” but a deeply personal, childlike expression.

It’s closer to “Daddy.”

And this leads me to one of the most personal, moving moments in my own life.

Personal Story: “Daddy”

When we adopted our youngest, she came to us as a newborn.

She has only ever known us as her family.

From the moment she was placed in our arms, she was fully ours—not just by paperwork, but by love.

She didn’t earn her place in our family.

She didn’t have to prove herself.

She didn’t strive for acceptance.

She simply was our daughter.

And one day—the best day—she looked up at me with full recognition, full trust, full assurance, and said, “Daddy.”

Not because someone told her to.

Not because she had to earn it.

But because she knew she was mine.

That is exactly what Paul is describing here.

  • The moment when we stop doubting and start resting.

  • The moment we realise we don’t have to earn our place—we already belong.

  • The moment we look at God and say, “Abba, Father”—with confidence, trust, and love.

If We Are Children, We Are Heirs

Paul then takes it even further:

Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ…(Romans 8:17a)

This is incredible.

Everything that belongs to Jesus now belongs to us.

  • We are heirs of God’s promises.

  • We are heirs of resurrection life.

  • We are heirs of future glory.

Jesus is the rightful Son of God—yet He has chosen to share His inheritance with us.

And that’s a guarantee.

Your inheritance is not based on your performance—it’s based on your status as God’s child.

And that is the source of our confidence.

C.S. Lewis puts it this way:

“The Son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God.”

If we truly grasped this, it would change everything about how we live.

Sharing in Christ’s Sufferings

Paul finishes with a reality check:

…if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory.(Romans 8:17b)

Being heirs with Christ doesn’t mean an easy life.

Jesus suffered rejection, persecution, and trials—and as His children, we should expect the same.

But here’s the good news:

  • Our suffering is temporary.

  • Our inheritance is eternal.

  • Whatever we endure now is nothing compared to the glory to come.

Paul is saying: You are no longer a slave—you are a child.

This is the belonging we find in the gospel.

Conclusion: Stand in This Truth

So, in these first 17 verses of Romans 8, Paul has shown us that there really is:

  • No condemnation, just grace.

  • No striving, just power.

  • No insecurity, just belonging.

This is who you are.

This is whose you are.

So stand in it. Live in it. Walk in it.

Because nothing—absolutely nothing—can take this away.

Let’s pray.

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for the freedom we have in Christ—that there is no condemnation for those who are in Him. We lay down every burden of guilt, every weight of shame, every striving to prove ourselves, and we receive the grace that You so freely give.

Holy Spirit, fill us afresh. Help us to set our minds on You, to walk in Your power, to be led by You in every part of our lives. Where we have drifted, draw us back. Where we have relied on our own strength, teach us to trust in Yours.

Father, we stand in awe that You have adopted us as Your children. That we are not slaves, but sons and daughters. That we do not have to fear, because we belong to You. Would You remind us again and again of who we are and whose we are? Would You deepen our confidence in Your love?

And as we go from here, may we walk in the full assurance of our inheritance in Christ—knowing that we are heirs of Your kingdom, co-heirs with Jesus, and that nothing can separate us from Your love.

We pray this in the mighty, saving name of Jesus. Amen.