Dock Resource Kit

Sunday sermon, 26 January 2025

This week, Brigid spoke to us about the deep connection between prayer and mission, using the image of a tandem bike to show how these two must work together. Drawing on examples from Jesus’ ministry and the early church, we were reminded that mission flows from God’s initiative and is fueled by prayer. Through the lens of the five marks of mission, we were challenged to reflect on how we can live out God’s sending love in our own lives. Brigid emphasised that prayer is like “breathing in” God’s presence, equipping us for mission, which is “breathing out” God’s love into the world.

Dock Discussion Questions

  1. What resonates with you most from the idea that prayer and mission are like riding a tandem bike?

    Do you find yourself stronger in one area than the other?

  2. Which of the Anglican five marks of mission stands out to you, and why?

    Is there a particular mark that feels especially challenging or inspiring to you?

  3. How might you make space for “breathing in” through prayer this week to better prepare for “breathing out” in mission?

  4. Brigid encouraged us to identify people and places where we feel called to share God’s love. Who or where comes to mind for you? How might you take a practical step toward mission this week?

Long-form, editted transcript

Hello again, everybody.

As we’ve said a few times, we are heading towards the end of our month of prayer. This week is the peak of that month. If you haven’t had a chance to engage with everything going on in the month of prayer, let me encourage you—this is your moment, your week. Sign up for a slot in the prayer room or get access to one of the booklets on the website. God’s going to do some amazing things.

Over the last couple of Sundays, we’ve been thinking about prayer in what you might call concentric circles. A couple of weeks ago, we reflected on prayer as devotion: the deep, personal connection with Jesus in our hearts when we pray. Last week, we explored prayer in community—what happens when we pray together as God’s people.

This week, we’re going to look at the next circle out: prayer and mission. What does it mean for prayer and mission to work together?

The Tandem Bike Illustration

Before we dive in, let me tell you a story from about 15 years ago. I was on a family holiday, and we found a lovely circular cycling route. It seemed like the perfect way to spend an afternoon. So we all hired bikes, but my brother and I decided to go one step further—we got a tandem.

At first, it was brilliant! My brother was on the front, I was on the back, and we were flying around the route. Wind in our hair, feeling amazing. We even managed to finish the loop so quickly that we had time to go around again.

This time, I said, “It’s my turn on the front now, isn’t it?” My brother wasn’t so sure: “You won’t be able to do it.” But if someone tells me I can’t do something, I have to try!

So, I got on the front of the tandem… and it turns out, I couldn’t do it. Steering, braking, going up hills—it was so much harder than I’d imagined. It became clear that my place was on the back. But I wasn’t ready to give up yet. I thought, “Maybe my brother is the problem! If I try it on my own, it’ll be easier.”

Spoiler: it wasn’t easier. In fact, it was impossible. The tandem wobbled, I fell off, and I eventually had to admit that my brother was right. Riding a tandem needs two people working together.

Prayer and mission are a bit like riding a tandem bike. They’re designed to work together. You can’t separate them without things becoming unbalanced or unstable. Like Google says, trying to ride a tandem solo is “potentially dangerous.”

Jesus’ Example of Prayer and Mission

Through the Bible, we see prayer and mission going hand in hand. Jesus is our ultimate example.

Before doing anything in his ministry, Jesus withdrew for 40 days of prayer in the wilderness. It was a brutal retreat, but it was foundational for everything that followed. Throughout his ministry, we see this pattern repeated: Jesus would withdraw to pray, then engage in mission.

He gained a reputation for healing sickness, preaching good news, and restoring relationships. But even in the busiest moments, we read that Jesus got up early to pray or withdrew to a lonely place. Mission and prayer were inseparable in his life.

The Early Church: Prayer and Mission

We see the same dynamic in the early church. In Acts 1, after Jesus ascended to the Father, the apostles returned to Jerusalem. What did they do next? They gathered together and devoted themselves to constant prayer.

Then came Pentecost. The Holy Spirit rushed in, equipping them for mission. Peter preached, and 3,000 people were baptized that day. Prayer came first, and mission flowed out of it.

How Mission Resonates with Us

Now, let me ask: how does the idea of mission sit with you?

  • Maybe you’re one of those natural evangelists who can’t wait to get out there and share Jesus with someone.

  • Maybe you know mission is important, but the idea of sharing your faith feels scary.

  • Maybe you’d love to be more involved in mission, but life feels too full right now.

  • Or maybe you’re already engaged in mission, but prayer feels more challenging.

Here’s a challenge for us: if you love prayer and contemplation, how might you step more into mission? And if you love mission and action, how might you deepen your prayer life?

What is Mission?

Let’s start with some theology—specifically, missiology (the theology of mission). What even is mission?

First, mission is not our mission. It’s not my mission as a preacher, or our mission as a church. Mission starts and ends with God. It’s not primarily a human activity; it’s an attribute of God.

The word “mission” comes from the Latin missio, meaning “to send.” God is a sending God. From the beginning, God has been sending love into the world. We see it throughout Scripture: God creates, instructs, forgives, and reaches out. Jesus is the ultimate example of this sending love—restoring and healing all creation.

The theologian Jürgen Moltmann captures this beautifully:

It is not the church that has a mission of salvation to fulfill in the world. It is the mission of the Son and the Spirit through the Father that includes the church.

Mission starts and ends with God. It’s God’s initiative—God sending love into the world. And as the church, we’re invited to be both witnesses to and instruments of that mission.

The Five Marks of Mission

The Anglican Church has identified five key marks of mission that help us understand what it looks like in practice. Let me read them to you:

  1. To proclaim the good news of the kingdom.

  2. To teach, baptize, and nurture new believers.

  3. To respond to human need by loving service.

  4. To seek to transform unjust structures of society, challenge violence of every kind, and pursue peace and reconciliation.

  5. To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.

Aren’t these amazing? This is what mission is about. Which of these resonates most with you? Which one challenges you or makes you hesitate?

Prayer and Mission as Partners

How do we know what to do? How do we foster a passion for mission in a world that so desperately needs Jesus? How do we stay fueled for the work? That’s where prayer comes in.

Prayer and mission are like two riders on a tandem bike or two sides of the same coin.

The theologian René Padilla, who I think is my ‘theologian of the week,’ puts it like this:

Contemplation without action is an escape from concrete reality. Action without contemplation is activism, lacking a transcendent meaning. True spirituality requires a missionary contemplation and a contemplative mission.

Prayer and mission need each other—they’re like breathing in and breathing out.

Concluding Prayer

Would you stand with me as we pray?

God, we ask you to fill us with your love, hope, and Holy Spirit. For those of us who already know the people and places you’ve put on our hearts, fill us with courage and vision. For those who aren’t sure yet, reveal to us where you’re calling us.

Help us breathe deeply of your presence, so that we can step boldly into your mission. We want to join in with what you’re already doing in the world. Come, Holy Spirit. Amen.