Here’s how you can get involved…


1. Donate

We need the following:

  • Soup

  • Cereal

  • Pasta/Rice

  • Tinned tomatoes/pasta sauce

  • Tea/coffee/hot chocolate (small)

  • Biscuits

  • UHT milk

  • Fruit juice

  • Christmas Crackers

  • Mince pies

  • Chocolates (festive)

  • Playing cards

All items donated need to arrive at SPS by 13 December.
In addition to these items you are welcome to donate money.
£15 for a complete box.


2. Nominate

If you know of someone that would benefit from a box please let us know and we will get it to them.

3. Pack

If you’d like to be involved in sorting and packing the boxes at SPS please let us know by emailing The packing day will be sometime between 13 - 15 December, we’ll confirm exactly when nearer the time.

4. Deliver

If you think you could be involved in delivering the boxes please let us know by emailing We’d love to hear from you!